Sober Suppers No More/ The closest equivalent to Malaysia's notorious mamak stalls also offer liquors on their menu. Bring Your Hands Together/ Yes, I will pray for you too.
All the glitters/ Precious tourist dollar were fought over lighting fest every night at the Night Bazaar. The Soul Cleanser/ Dirt and dust exported from dirty cracks were no match for the holy water. Beerlao/ At an remote Laos tourist site close to the Thai border... *yawn* Just Another Slope/ Chiang Mai's countryside are maximised to year-round harvest of valuable farm products. Snap Me/ Oh my, I'm vain! :D
Not Another Canine Shot/ But apparently doggies made for far better photogenic subjects than any human.
A Drowsy Dog/ OK, another shot of canine creatives and I might have to start paying royalties to the Chiang Mai SPCA.
Makeshift Blackboard/ The dusty body of a Four-Wheel-Drive made for an excellent opportunity to recall your ABCs. Anyone Saw My Pants?/ Attracted by the commotion, a little boy from the Thai tribal village rushed out in the midst of his daily business to check out the fresh new group of unsuspecting tourists who had just arrived.
No Close-Ups/ This was as far as my zoom lens would take me.
Mao Aw Kab!/ Be constantly harassed by this mean machine and his equally enthusiastic siblings out for a quick buck. Bark The Town Red/ Recuperating for another active night's out.
Load Them Up/ Coconot ice-cream, did the impression hint of warnings of a painful excretion in the near future?
Elephant Towers/ The most prominent temple from the sky as potrayed by Google Earth. Won't miss a thing if you skip the rest.
Business As Usual/ Urban development apparently missed this spot.
The Million Ringgit Question/ AirAsia's maiden flight to Chiang Mai, Mum was asking how would the pilot know where to land. Cool and Comfy/ Seeking protection in the shades are not just an obsession of earthly beings.
No English Menu?/ Local food were meant to be consumed locally by the locals. I had to learn that the hard way. Sit!/ There is a reason why canine friends outnumbers tuk tuks approximately 38 to 1 in this city.
Signboard Galore/ Venturing outside our hotel looking for day tour packages to sign up, we found some other interesting activites to join. Pitiful Expression Number 17/ Armed with a cutie face, a begger boy went all way out to make a living at the Thai/Myanmar border town of Mae Sai.
Searching For Cover/ Darn, how many feet above sea level is this city again? Leave your sweater in the room, Mum! May The Adventurous Proceed/ These food items would normally go in the easy way and out the hardest of ways.
Power Jam/ Real estate management should extend to electric poles as well.