











Almost a decade since I last visited Taipei. The city was almost exactly like how I have left it, to my slight disappointment. Perhaps the exposure that I have had while exploring the many other countries and cities in the last ten years or so has risen my expectations of what I want to see in an urban environment. It was a relaxing trip nevertheless.



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

灰头偕老/ 南机场公寓



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

Behold the latest girlpop sensation from Korean: The Kimchi Girls! / 華山1914



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

Parting ways. 200 shots to get just one with the pedestrians splitting right down the middle. / Xi Men Ding



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

阿姨啊,想不想做个伟大的女人?/ 淡水老街



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

Having my little kowloon-walled-city moment as I explored the inner workings of the labyrinthine structure that is 南机场公寓. Decades of uncontrolled modifications have turned these few blocks of orderly apartments into the strangely charming mess that it is today, its brick facade almost entirely covered with illegal extensions./ 南机场公寓



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

Life is but a series of hurdles, treat it like a playground and you'll be forever gleeful as a kid. / 台北小巨蛋



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

淡淡的幸福。/ 淡水河岸老街



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

老婆,老板娘需要确定一下你癞蛤蟆的身份。/ 南機場國盛公寓



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

Seat belt please! / 淡水老街



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heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

十二月十三日:老婆始终撇不开以癞蛤蟆的身份上街的恐惧,那天我用了两小时把一整只天鹅吃光。/ 南機場公寓



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

Heart Mum prepping for her chestnutcracker debut. / 小巨蛋 Taipei Arena



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

悄悄告诉你 / 南機場公寓



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

Xi Men Ding



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heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

The W Hotel



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

Heart Mum and her hipster-cafe-front pose. / 南機場公寓



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heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

Stay away from my cherries.



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

It's Christmas eve so Ah Li decided to ride out and have a ball.



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

Pooh just want to play.



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heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

The circle of life. / Taipei Arena



heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan

Girl, Unleashed. / 淡水老街



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一切不开心的 狠狠一咬 赶快消化掉 明年又是一块新鲜的炸猪扒 / Shilin Night Market



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heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




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heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan




heartpatrick travel street photography taipei taiwan
