Tying up some loose ends from the random shots that I got from a few afternoons here and there in between an assignment to Bali.



heartpatrick travel indonesia bali ubud culture street photography

Heart Mum pretending that she hasn't been in paddy fields before.



heartpatrick travel indonesia bali ubud culture street photography




heartpatrick travel indonesia bali ubud culture street photography




heartpatrick travel indonesia bali ubud culture street photography

Seniman Coffee Studio. Somebody decided to leave my mocha sitting at the counter for abit before sending it to me.



heartpatrick travel indonesia bali ubud culture street photography

Curious about this big-leaf creeper.



heartpatrick travel indonesia bali ubud culture street photography

At the Monkey Forest.



heartpatrick travel indonesia bali ubud culture street photography

Tetap Happy Coffee Roasters.



heartpatrick travel indonesia bali ubud culture street photography




heartpatrick travel indonesia bali ubud culture street photography

At the Monkey Forest.



heartpatrick travel indonesia bali ubud culture street photography

Black on white on black.



heartpatrick travel indonesia bali ubud culture street photography

You can always lean on my butt.



heartpatrick travel indonesia bali ubud culture street photography

Hujan Locale.